We Ship

We Ship

We Ship

UBS Shipping & Logistics takes pleasure in informing all its customers worldwide that the service WE SHIP is a supporting package to the service YOU SHOP. Whatever you shop, from which ever part of India, U.S.A, U.K, or Europe we will ship it for you.

Just fill up one of the free door pickup/delivery request form so that we can depute our trained and efficient operations staff to do the rest of your appropriate requirements shipping. Just mail us your pickup details at info@ubsshipping.com .You can also call us at our website at http://www.ubsshipping.com/

UBS Shipping & Logistics also informs all the customers worldwide with regards to authenticity of picking up shipments in case of the customer absence. We have a highly and efficiently trained personalized staff with decades of experience and we use authentic digital weighing scales and authentic measuring tapes for volumetric weight measurements of your shipments so that the customer is completely satisfied with the end result when the shipment is delivered at the preferred destination.

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